GDPR Compliant Student Sign-Out Book

Under both the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), school and college sign-out books should not visibly display any names recorded to others. Whilst it is acceptable to display the reason for a pupil signing-out, the student’s name and the name of the adult signing them out should be protected under this legislation.

The Solution

To get around the issue raised above, we have developed this fully compliant student sign-out register. As you can see, the student and adult name fields are blacked out. The responsible member of staff just needs to write over the top of blacked out panels. Without pushing too hard with a pen, the name will be recorded on the concealed sheet underneath.

Should a responsible person in your school, college or university wish to see a full list of who signed out associated reasons, they just need to separate the top blacked-out sheet from the duplicated under-sheet. As you can see in the pictures, the NCR under-sheet will give you a list full list of those that have signed-out.

Fields shown include: date, student and adult name, relationship, the reason for signing-out, time out and time in.

Features and Benefits:

  • Blacked out name fields to comply with GDPR
  • Boxes to capture the reason for signing-out
  • Under-sheet can be used by authorised personnel should the school wish to review all those that have left during the school day
  • Book includes card separator, card front and rear covers, and is spiral bound for ease of use

All the pages are glued on the four edges of the paper to form a secure enclosed 3 way paper set.

Size: A4 (210mm x 297mm)


  • Date
  • Name
  • Initials
  • Relationship
  • Reason for sign out
  • Time Out - Time In

Two Books Thickness

  • Standard has 30 pages with 10 Entries per Page ( 300 Entries)
  • Large has 60 pages with 10 Entries per Page (600 Entries)

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