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Total : €30.00

Let Students Know who you are

Print is far from Dead... Tangible proof is in the number of School Prospectuses still produced in this digital age. A Prospectus is a tactile, portable, instantly accessible representation of your school and its quality and environment. It doesn’t need a computer or WiFi to access.

Good design and photography are worthwhile tools to give an instantly positive first impression,  which directly affects the uptake of courses, and we can offer both.

The most common sizes for a School Prospectus are:


  • A4 Portrait (210mm x 297mm)
  • A4 Landscape (297mm x 210mm)
  • Square: 210mm x 210mm

The Prospectus can be made with a matt or gloss laminated cover in three different binding options:


  • Saddle Stitched (stapled)
  • Perfect Bound
  • Coil bound with Softcover or Hardcover


Ready to create your product design?
To start, select the product size, preview the design guidelines, download the guidelines for reference, and proceed with the customization options.
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